
Metroland Parcel Services is proud of its reputation for quality customer service. Check out some of the reviews our customers have left us!

“We are very pleased with the service and the speed to customers. Looking forward to a long partnership with Metroland Parcel Services."
Karen Spina, Director of E-Commerce Fulfillment/Customer Service
Boathouse Stores
“Metroland is a game-changer for Us. They exceed all expectations of our partnership goals of reliability, value and simplicity. Additionally, their integration capabilities to our various platforms were lighting fast. The team is excellent to work with, and we consider them outstanding partners and a real competitive advantage.”
Andy Harris, Associate Vice President, Logistics & Distribution
Toys R Us Canada
“Metroland Parcel Services offers exceptional customer service & competitive prices. Although we have only been using MPS’s for a few months, we have already established a high degree of trust in them - and know that our bargain books will be delivered with the first class treatment. We look forward to continuing to grow our partnership with MPS in the coming years.”
Kevin Hooiveld, Vice President of Operations
Book Depot Inc.
“Moving away from a well-known logistics company that we had been working with for 10 years was a little scary but 3 months in and we could not be more pleased. From the very start our account rep was there to understand our individual needs as a business. The team supported our onboarding process the whole way and was there to iron out any small kink."
Kim Barrington, General Manager
Detour Coffee Roasters